Saturday, July 19, 2014

Face Peels and Exfoliation

Face peels and Exfoliation

Simple Face peel
  • Ingredient: 2 oz Egg whites + 1 oz Fruit Acid Solution + 1 teaspoon honey
  • Apply on to face 
  • Leave on for 20 minutes
  • Rinse with water

Special face peel
Ingredients & tools
  • 1 pack Gelatin (Optional, I like using it for the gooey effect, makes it feels like it sticks to the skin better)
  • 4 oz Green tea (High concentration brewed with 1 teabag)
  • 2 oz Fruit acid solution
  • 2 oz Egg whites 
Preparation and process
  • Peel mixture: Mix gelatin, green tea and fruit acid solution*, microwave for about 20 seconds, do not over warm it. The consistency should be thickened to a gooey liquid. Let cool to room temperature. 
  • Apply to clean face in intervals of 3 minutes, using up mixture as much as possible
  • Allow peel to dry off on the face for about 30 minutes.
  • Peel off from face and rinse with warm water.
  • Apply face moisturizer
Simple Exfoliating(Up to 3 times a week)
  • Ingredients: Fruit Acid Solution* + 2 cotton pads/1 Paper face mask
  • Rub cotton pads all over the face OR apply face mask 
  • Leave on for 20 minutes
  • Rinse with water, pad dry 
  • Regular moisturizing
Weekly Exfoliation 1
  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon Baking soda + 1 tablespoon Fruit Acid Solution*
  • Gently rub on to face and leave on for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse with water, pad dry 
  • Moisturize with Night cream
Weekly Exfoliation 2(Great for body as well)
  • Ingredients: Fine brown sugar + Olive oil
  • Gently rub mixture on skin in circular motions
  • Rinse with soap and water, pad dry
  • Regular moisturizing

DIY Foot Peels

I have two types of peels that I use for exfoliating dead skin on the feet, the Salicylic Acid Peel and the Gycolic & Lactic Acid peel. Alternating between the two different methods yields the best results since the Salicylic Acid Peel is very drying while the Glycolic & Lactic Acid Peel seemed to replenish the moisture into the skin.

The third method is a combination of all 3 acids which I would do twice a year.

Fruit and salicylic acid foot peel exfoliation
Ingredients & tools
  • 1 pack Gelatin (Optional, I like using it for the gooey effect, makes it feels like it sticks to the skin better)
  • 1 oz Hot green tea (High concentration)
  • 1 bottle of 325 mg Aspirin (about 150-175 tablets)
  • Liquid Corn & Callus Remover (17% Salicylic acid)
  • Acne Cream (0.5% Salicylic acid)
  • Two 3 oz cup Fruit acid solution* (1 part each - lemon juice, lime juice, apple cider vinegar) 
  • 1 foot size container
  • 1 bigger foot tub preferably double the size of foot container, so that we don't mess up the floor when we are working with the fruit acid solution* later
  • 4 - gallon size sandwich bags
  • 1 pair of ankle length old socks 
  • clear tape 
  • 1 pair of longer socks
  • Peel mixture: Mix aspirin into fruit acid solution*. As aspirin the dissolved, precipitation will occur. Add gelatin to half of the aspirin mixture. Pour in the hot green tea until gelatin is completely dissolved Then mix in the remaining mixture. The consistency should be thickened but still liquid with grainy particles.
  1. Soak feet in warmest water you could tolerate for 30 minutes (Add Salt - Optional), pumice off hard dead skin if you want to.
  2. Dry off feet completely. 
  3. Work one foot at a time. Place the foot size container into the foot tub. Put on an ankle length sock and pour 1 cup of peel mixture into your sock while your feet is inside the container. Some solution will leak out from the sock.
  4. Make sure the sock is completely soaked with peel mixture. Take a sandwich bag and bag over the sock(basically to seal in the acid) pour the rest of the solution into the bag. 
  5. Tape the opening of the bag on to your leg to seal. Try to release as much air from the bag as possible. This could be a bit tricky, that's why it is easier to work one foot at a time. Make sure it is secured. 
  6. Wipe off solution outside the bag. take a second sandwich bag, bag over the the first and again secure with tape. This is to prevent leakage.
  7. Cover your bagged foot with one of your longer sock.
  8. Repeat on the other foot.
  9. Keep feet wrapped up for 4 hours (longer of you could tolerate!) try to minimize walking around but wriggle your feet once in a while to distribute the mixture around. I keep my feet tilted with the heels a little lower than the rest to concentrate on the extra thick skin there.
  10. Rinse off feet with a little soap and water, I normally just take a shower after that.
  11. Dry feet off completely
  12. Brush liquid corn & callus remover on all areas with tough skin. Let dry and put on some sock. 
  13. Wait for about 1 hour or until bedtime, apply acne cream liberally, wear socks to bed. 
  14. I do this treatment consecutively for 2-4 days depending on the severity of rough skin build up.

Glycolic & Lactic Acid Foot Peel
Ingredients & tools:

  • Glycolic acid source
  1. 4 oz Concentrated simple sugar syrup (Heat up: 1 part brown cane sugar + 1 part water, let cool) or
  2. 4 oz Honey 
  • Lactic acid source: 4 oz Plain Yogurt 
  • 1 foot size container
  • 1 bigger foot tub preferably double the size of foot container, so that we don't mess up the floor
  • 2 - gallon size sandwich bags
  • 2 plastic shower caps 
  • clear tape 
  • 1 pair of socks

  1. Soak feet in warmest water you could tolerate for 30 minutes (Add Salt - Optional), pumice off hard dead skin if you want to.
  2. Dry off feet completely. 
  3. Work one foot at a time. Place the foot size container into the foot tub. Take one shower cap, wrap under your foot and place it in the container. 
  4. Pour 1 cup of peel mixture on your toes and the heels. Allow the mixture to soak around your feet. 
  5. Carefully twist the elastic band of the shower cap to secure the mixture around your feet. Tape where necessary. 
  6. Take one sandwich bag and bag over the shower cap. 
  7. Tape the opening of the bag on to your leg to seal. Try to release as much air from the bag as possible. Make sure it is secured. 
  8. Wear your sock over the bag.
  9. Repeat on the other foot. 
  10. Keep feet wrapped up for 2 hours.
  11. Rinse with soap and water. 
  12. Pad dry and moisturize with Night time foot cream
  13. Wear socks.
  14. Soak feet for 30 minutes in warm salt water everyday for 2 weeks.

Combination Foot Peel
  • 4 oz brown sugar 
  • 4 oz Fruit acid solution 
  • 4 oz yogurt
  • Aspirin (About 100 tablets) 
  • 1 oz concentrated green tea / powdered barley grass
  • Liquid Corn & Callus Remover (17% Salicylic acid)
  • Acne Cream (0.5% Salicylic acid)

  • Combine fruit acid solution and green tea. Heat up slightly to dissolve brown sugar and aspirin. 
  • Let mixture cool down to room temperature before adding in the yogurt
Same as Glycolic acid & Lactic acid peel method, except after step No.11, apply liquid corn & callus remover, and the acne cream 1 hour later. Wear socks. Soak feet everyday for 30 minutes for the next couple of weeks. 

Natural Clensers and Exfoliator

Cleansing is by far, one of the most important process in skin care. Without properly cleaning the skin, it doesn't matter how good the moisturizer is, it wouldn't be able to get in contact with the skin properly and be absorbed efficiently, thus defying the purpose of even applying any topical skin care treatment. Therefore, the traditional cleansing upon rising and before retiring for the day is crucial, and most of the time that's all we need. Overly cleansing produces a counter effect, we don't need to strip off too much of our own natural occurring oils as they protect our skin. 

We have been doing really well by using mostly chemical free skin care products for maintenance and protection, but still dead skin builds up as our cells age and die everyday, you will need exfoliate once in a while to scrape off the outer layer so to resurface the exuberant newly form skin underneath. We can use something mild everyday to wash off some of the build up, and save the deep exfoliating to once in a week or two depending on the need.

BASIC Cleansing
  • Baking Soda
  • Fruit acid Solution* - Equal parts of lemon juice, lime juice and apple cider vinegar
First off, for an everyday use cleanser in the mornings, I like something with a slight friction to smooth off the skin after the night for a fresh start of the day. 
  • Morning basic cleanser: 1/4 teaspoon baking soda + 1 teaspoon water or Fruit acid solution*
For nights, after a day long of wearing make up and exposing to dust, crap, and dirty particles in the air, I need to make sure I thoroughly clean up my face before retiring for the night. There's an extra step here for makeup removal, if you are like me, a person who uses makeup regularly.
  • Make up removal: 
  1.  DIY Everyday Lotion - Apply liberally to the whole face making sure you get to every part of the skin where makeup was used. Wipe off lotion with cotton pads or wet paper towel (make sure you wet it as dry paper towel will be too harsh for the skin)
  2. Squirt some DIY Everyday Lotion on to a cotton pad and seek out to clear off all the tiny places where you've missed in the first step. 
  • Night Cleansing: 
  1. Basic cleanser: 1/4 teaspoon baking soda + 1 teaspoon Water 
  2. Dip 2 cotton pads into the Fruit acid solution* (wring off excess) apply it to skin
  3. Wait 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly 

Night Time Foot Cream

  • 1 oz Jojoba oil*
  • 1 oz Extra virgin olive oil*
  • Tea tree oil 10 drops
  • Aloe Vera gel 2 ounces, or as much as needed depending on preferred consistency
  • Any other types of body lotion 2 oz, I personally like to use something made with mostly natural ingredients.
Mix everything up very well.
*You can use any other kinds of base oils for this.

I apply this lotion everyday before bedtime and wear socks to cover my feet when I sleep. Sometime I would wear it for my hands and wear gloves. It's mostly natural ingredients with extra moisturizing effect, so I apply it to other parts of my body where I feel needs extra moisturizing and cover up in clothes or an extra cloth wrap.

DIY Everyday Lotion

  • Extra virgin olive oil 1 oz
  • Jojoba Oil 1 oz, or any other essential oils
  • Thickening base:
  1. Aloe Vera Gel 4 oz, double the amount as the essentials oils, or as much as needed for consistency
  2. Store bought lotion*: Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion Fragrance Free 4 oz, double the amount of essential oils that you are using
  3. Fragrant lotion (Optional):Victoria's Secret super fragrant lotions about 1-2 oz on top of everything for the aroma. 
  • Tee Tree Oil (Optional) 5 drops to 0.25 oz (Do not add if you plan to use this lotion as a makeup remover)
*I use a few different types of plant base lotions, they do not necessarily have to be fragrance free, I often add extra fragrant lotion anyway, but this one from Aveeno happened to be fragrance free. Most of the botanical types lotion has naturally nice soothing fragrance which I absolutely loved. Basically as long as it is plant base with mostly natural ingredients and safe for sensitive skin, it should be good enough.

These are the two basic everyday lotion I use for my whole body after shower and as a regular makeup remover. That's why it is crucial that I do not add tea tree oil if I plan on using it for my face since it will sting pretty badly around the eye areas.

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DIY Beauty Essentials

About me

DIY "almost" Chemical-free Moisturizers

The PROBLEM: Severely dry and sensitive peeling skin (also prone to break outs)

The SOLUTION: Almost chemical free, plant base ingredients for homemade moisturizer 

Main Ingredients: 
  • Thickening base for easy application: 
  1. Aloe Vera Gel (abbreviated as ALVG)
  2. Store bought - Natural plant base/Organic face moisturizer for sensitive skin
  • Sunscreen: Sunblock for babies SPF 50 and above (abbreviated as BB SPF 50^)
Although Aloe Vera was known to pull moisture away from skin which could potentially cause dryness if used alone, however after some trial and errors, I find that the initially clear gel combines really well with oils normally forming a white creamy yet light opaque lotion. Vigorous shaking is often necessary though, but the outcome is well worth it. 
  • Essential oils of my choice to-date:
  1. Jojoba Oil
  2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (abbreviated as EVOO, Rachael Ray anyone? LOL)

Different types of moisturizer:
  • Day Creams: I normally maintain a 1 part oils to 2 part thickening base for my daytime moisturizing.
  1. 0.5 oz Jojoba Oil + 0.5 oz EVOO + 2 oz ALVG (or until cream like consistency is achieved) + 1 oz BBSS SPF 50^ 
  2. 0.5 oz Jojoba Oil + 0.5 oz EVOO + 1 oz Store bought face moisturizer + 1 oz BBSS SPF 50^(optional)
  3. Makeup base moisturizer - 0.5 Jojoba Oil + 1 oz ALVG + 1 oz Baby Sunscreen SPF 50^
  • Night Creams: Same combination as No.1 or No.2, skipping the sunscreen lotion and increasing one variety of essential oils to 1 oz for extra moisturizing throughout the night. 
  1. 1oz JJBO + 0.5 EVOO + 2 oz ALVG
  2. 0.5 JJBO + 1 oz EVOO + 1oz Store Bought face Moisturizer
  • Variations: Use other varieties of essential oils in place of Jojoba Oil and EVOO. 

Oils for treatment purposes:
Tea Tree Oil* 
Use really sparingly* as it's antiseptic components really stings the skin and might be too irritable for most people, definitely avoid close contact to the eye areas. No matter where you plan to apply it, make sure it is substantially diluted with other oils or water. 
In my case, I make a small container of spot treatment cream for pimples and acne with 2 oz ALVG and about 15 drops of tea tree oil. 
For another whole face option, I added about 5 drops of tea tree oil to 2 ounces of my regular DIY face moisturizer and use that for the whole face if I'm having a lot of breakouts during a certain period of time for extra treatment. 
I normally use tea tree oil only on skin where breakouts is prone to occur. Work exceptionally well for spot treating pimples. 

Oils I would love to explore within the year:
  1. Coconut Oil
  2. Sunflower Oil
  3. Grape Seed Oil
  4. Rosehip Oil
  5. Flax Seed Oil
  6. Argan Oil

Monday, May 19, 2014

Breast Cancer Tumor

Carcinomatous tissue
Pictures courtesy of a good friend

To sell or not to sell... what was the question again?

It must have been at least 20 websites that I've opened and closed, in my quest to seek information on selling an ebook online. Either I'm terribly uninformed or I'm really dumb, it was unusually frustrating; reading articles after articles only to realized I've learnt nothing. 

The websites that I clicked on starts off by talking about how super easy it is to sell ebooks online, I tried following the instructions (or so I thought I was) and half way through, it became so tedious I started wondering why I ended up here in the first place. Why do people use the word "easy" for something obviously not easy? It probably attracts attention at first but then they'll end up with other people like me who understands nothing more than easy, at the verge of giving up half way through instructions. Maybe I should just be grateful that I'm slightly smarter than I was yesterday. Geesh...